Management and Staff of IN-STeP are sad see the conclusion of the a great program that achieved numerous outcomes throughout the five years of service delivery in our region. Unfortunately the Australian Government May budget did not allocate funding for the Youth Connections Program beyond 2014, so IN-STeP advise our services for the program will cease in December 2014.
Youth Connections allowed IN-STeP’s YC staff to provide unique, support services for at risk and disengaged youth in our community as well as enabled a conduit to work collaboratively with stakeholders across the sector. Thanks to everyone that we have worked with and all those that have been involved in the program in various capacities over the years.
We have met and worked with some wonderful young people through Youth Connections, we acknowledge you all and remember – Dare to Dream, It’s your future…
A very sad day at IN-STeP of Friday 30th January as we say goodbye to 7 staff, varying from 8 to 4 years wonderful service to our organisation. With neither the Federal nor State Government’s having any foresight to support Community sectors, organisations like ours, QYS, TYN and Break Thru (just to name a few) have seen community based programs that help a very diverse range of people in OUR Community, cut from the landscape. Not only do we feel incredibly sorry for our staff who finish today, but all the people who work in the community sector with an uncertain future.
To the young people of our community who no longer have programs available to assist them in times of trouble, we wish you all the very best and hope that someone within any form of Government will have a conscious and find funding to offer programs to help you and any member of our community who deserve not to be forgotten.
So we hope our local members have the strength to stand up and fight for the community sector and implements some programs that can truly help people in our community, instead of the last 3 years were both Federal and State have cut almost every program delivered by the community sectors across the country and state.